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    2023-09-27 09:05:17   来源:其它    点击:   
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      I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%)

      1. In English,"Culture" is a(n) word from Latin in which it mainly meant

      "cultivating or tilling the land".

      A. local B. loan

      C. original D. native

      2. Such key questions as"What schools and colleges can you go to?" or "What laws must

      you obey?" highlight the aspects of culture.

      A. individual B. thematic

      C. behavioural D. institutional

      3.“Residence”and"home"are synonymous to each other. However,“residence”is normally used in formal or administrative circumstances, while "home"is often used in everyday speech between friends or family members. This shows the meaning of


      A. affective B. reflected

      C. social D. collocative


      4. In English, someone who is earnestly bent on doing good but often too obtuse to see what

      harm may result from interfering is called a

      A.do-gooder B. landlord

      C. individualist D. self-made man

      5. Which of the following words has derivational morpheme? A. playing B. quicker

      C. established D. international

      6. a) He was deprived of the right to participate in the Olympic Games.

      b) 他被剥夺了参加奥运会的权利。

      The above pair of sentences shows the grammatical contrast between English and Chinese


      A. subjects and objects B. recipients and modifiers

      C. grammatical morphemes D. paratactic and hypotactic relations

      7. Which of the following is a general rule for introduction in the English culture?

      A. To introduce a superior to an inferior.

      B. To introduce the host to the guest.

      C. To introduce a woman to a man.

      D. To introduce a young person to an older one.

      8. Which of the following is NOT appropriate for the host or hostess to say when he or she

      treats a western guest at dinner?

      A. These are the best dishes we can supply.

      B. Please feel at home and help yourself.

      C. Sorry the dishes are not beautiful enough.

      D. What would you like to drink, juice or wine?

      9. The source of such allusions as "Marathon","Waterloo", and "a Napoleon"is A. history B. religion

      C. literature D. mythology

      10. The meaning of the idiom "to keep one's own company"is" ".

      A. to have one's own friendsB. to run one's own company

      C. to run one's own family wellD. to be alone instead of being social

      11.The sentence"The young man is a bear at mathematics"means "The young man is


      A. poor at B. good at

      C. interested in D. careless about


      12. In the following metaphorical expressions," ”illustrates that love is magic.

      A. He has me in a tranceB. Their marriage is on the mend

      C. She drives me out of my mindD. I was magnetically drawn to her

      13. In the following terms," ”is NOT regarded as racist language. A. 老 外 B. 番 人

      C. 夷 人 D. 南蛮子

      14."An undertaker" is a euphemism, referring to

      A. ajob hunter B. a career adviser

      C. a funeral director D. a wedding director

      15. In inductive argumentation, facts or details the conclusion which is the central


      A. follow B. present

      C. precede D. proceed

      16. It is often said that Chinese learners of English often speak English.

      A. oral B. classical

      C. vogue D. bookish

      17. American and British English are two varieties of the English language. They are of

      status and influence each other.

      A. different B. equal

      C.no D. little

      18. Some brand names are neutral or positive in meaning in Chinese culture but in

      English culture.

      A. pejorative B. commendatory

      C. complimentary D. praiseful

      19. In the sense of nonverbal communication, human territories can be classified into

      basic categories.

      A. five B.four

      C. three D. two

      20. Generally speaking, English speakers', especially the Americans' postures are more

      than Chinese speakers'.

      A. intimate B. alienated

      C. formal D. casual


      I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There is more than one correct answer to each question. (10%)

      21. Culture is the attributes of man. In this sense culture may include such components as

      A. materials animals have got to satisfy their needs

      B. customs, habits and thinking patterns

      C. language and other communication systems

      D. knowledge about nature and man himself and artistic development

      22. The English word"bah"is used to express

      A. irritation B.delight

      C. contempt D. hesitation

      23. Which of the following sentences contains onomatopoeic words?

      A. A pig squeals when it is hurt.

      B. He said squeakily,"I hate you."

      C. I squeezed carefully through the crowd.

      D. He shook his head with an appreciative chuckle.

      24. Which of the following statements are correct about the ways to address others in English?

      A. Titles indicate respect but also lead to the feeling of distance.

      B. You should always address your senior with titles to show your respect. C.Your way to address others should be related to the situations you are in.

      D. Given names suggest familiarity between the addresser and the addressee.

      25. Which of the following proverbs are related to Greco-Roman civilization?

      A. An Englishman's house is his castle.

      B. A small leak will sink a great ship.

      C. Far from Jupiter, far from thunder.

      D. From his foot, you may know Hercules.

      26. In English culture,"green"is often associated with

      A. rich experienceB. vigour and energy

      C. jealousy and envyD. fruit and vegetables or gardening

      27. There is sexism in such expressions as" 5

      A. 红颜祸水 B. 好男不跟女斗

      C. the human race D. Wife and children are bill of charges


      28. When rhetoric is talked about, deductive argumentation means that is presented

      at the beginning of a text and that information supporting it is conveyed after it.

      A.details B. the main thesis

      C. the particular D. the central idea

      29. Generally, sentences appear more frequently in English than in Chinese. A. declarative B. imperative

      C. affirmative D. interrogative

      30. In China, touching behaviors between members of the same sex are more than

      those between people of the opposite sex.

      A. acceptable B. tolerable

      C. scarce D. rare




      III. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression.(20%)

      31. One of the properties of culture is that culture is specific.

      32. What is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer organizes a message, in

      terms of ordering, focus, or emphasis, is called meaning.

      33. The inflectional morpheme in word"unfinished"is" ".

      34. For the standard appellatives in English,"uncle" and "aunt"are often used together with

      the addressee's name.

      35.To understand English idioms properly, one needs to attain familiarity with English

      from which they have developed.

      36. Blue is often associated with social position or being aristocratic. For example,"blue

      "means aristocratic lineage.

      37."The student who depends on others to do his / her work" is the euphemism for"the

      student who in class".

      38. The Chinese writing system, a one whose minimal units are characters

      representing units of meaning, is dramatically different from the alphabetic writing

      system of English.

      39. Advertisement English differs from other varieties of English in many ways. It has, for example, phonetic, lexical, grammatical and features that are rarely found in most

      of the other varieties of the English language.


      40. Ignoring nonverbal communication or language, one may commit serious errors

      with undesirable consequences.

      IV. Answer the following questions briefly.(12%)

      41. Explain why language is symbolic in the sense of properties of language.

      42. Explain briefly how the word"privacy"means differently in English and traditional

      Chinese cultures.

      43. Explain why a cruel, ferocious and ugly looking creature "Crocodile" is used as the brand name of a shirt in a western country.

      44. Why don't English speakers need to build high walls or make wooden or iron doors to protect their yards?

      V. Translation.(18%)

      45. 事情一安排好我就通知你。

      46. 你穿这件夹克衫真好看。

      47. 黑货

      48. 园丁 (Note: Translate it with an English euphemism.)

      49. Thrift is good revenue.

      50. Wine and judgment mature with age.

      VI. Discuss the following topics.(20%)

      51. Compare the following pair of sentences, find out the grammatical contrast between English and Chinese as manifested in them and offer a possible cultural explanation.

      a) She is a quiet girl and almost never talks in class.


      52. Use the following examples to discuss the similarities and differences between "red" and"红"in cultural associations.

      红喜事;脸红;a red letter day; see red













