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51. CT影像
computed tomography imaging
52. 卫生检疫
health quarantine
53. 疫情监测
epidemic monitoring
54. 新型冠状病毒成功分离
successful isolation of a novel coronavirus
55. 《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎诊疗方案》
Guidelines on the Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment
56. 收治率
patient admission rate
57. 临床试验
clinical trials
58. 血浆治疗
infusions of blood plasma
59. 恢复期血浆
convalescent plasma therapy
60. 抗病毒治疗
antiviral therapy
61. 抗生素治疗
antibiotic therapy
62. 中医治疗
TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) therapy
63. 中西医结合/中西医并用
combined use of TCM and Western medicine
64. 隔空诊疗
online diagnosis and treatment
65. 在线问诊
online medical inquiries
66. 智慧医疗
smart medical care
67. 数字医疗服务
digital medical services
68. 氢氧治疗仪
oxy-hydrogen breathing machine
69. 随访和复诊
follow-up and subsequent visits
70. 吹哨人
71. 逆行者
people who brave a dangerous situation
72. 最美逆行者
heroes in harm’s way (the brave, unhesitating rescuers who rush to the epicenter of the virus)
或brave rescuers who go in the teeth of danger
73. 新型冠状病毒肺炎
74. 甲型H1N1流感
2009 H1N1 Flu
75. 卫生系统
health system
76. 流行病学史
historical epidemiology
77. 甲类传染病
category A infectious diseases
78. 超长潜伏期
ultra-long incubation period
79. 气溶胶传播
aerosol transmission
80. 粪口传播
fecal-oral transmission
81. 交叉感染
cross infection
82. 疫情峰值
epidemic peak
83. 拐点
turning point
84. 致病源
85. 临床诊断病例
clinically diagnosed cases
86. 临床症状
clinical signs and symptoms
87. 初发症状
incipient symptoms
88. 并发症状
或symptoms of complications
89. 抗体
90. 特异性抗体
specific antibody
91. IgM抗体检测
IgM antibody test
92. 四抗二平衡(所谓“四抗”,第一是抗病毒;第二是抗休克;第三是抗低氧血症;第四是抗继发感染。“二平衡”,即维持水电解质、酸碱平衡以及维持微生态平衡)
combined use of anti-viral, anti-shock, anti-hypoxemia medication, and measures to prevent secondary infections
maintain the water and electrolyte balance, acid-base balance and microecological balance
93. 特效药
specific medicine
94. 试剂盒
test kit
95. 呼吸机
ventilator / respirator
96. 同情用药
compassionate use of a drug (use a drug not yet approved under the compassionate use program)
97. 世卫组织驻华代表处
WHO China Representative Office
98. 全球防范监测委员会
Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB)
99. 国际病毒分类委员会
International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV)
100. 冠状病毒工作组
Coronavirus Study Group (CSG)
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